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The Rayburn Family – A cozy Sunday in-home session in Lafayette, Indiana

Being a human is fun, isn’t it? That’s a weird question, I guess since technically you’re either a human or some AI reading this and my guess is that you’re probably the former. But what I mean is that being a person means that you are multifaceted. There are many different sides of you, different talents, desires, loves, and dislikes. We are complex beings and what’s more wonderful than being complex? Finding someone who gets your complexities, your quirks, your passion, and everything else that completes the package.

This couple is one that I would deem highly faceted–like a beautifully cut diamond, Victoria and Zach are a love story that I’ve enjoyed getting to know over the past two years. You see, Victoria is a local photographer and if you know much about our local photography scene, you might know that we are a pretty tight knit group of people. We collaborate, share, encourage, and inspire one another to continue pursuing our love for photography and all of that goes into it. Victoria is not only a photographer, but also a marketing genius! In fact, Victoria and our friend, Jasmine Norris, just hosted a photography workshop two weekends ago inspiring and teaching local and not so local photographers all about the back ends of business. It was a great weekend but I’m not here to talk about that weekend…yet. Victoria’s marketing is so good that she knows exactly what to share about her brand and her life to allow people a more intimate glimpse in. Coming into this session and only having met Zach personally a handful of times, was refreshing because even though I don’t know them personally well–I do know them. Victoria shares so frequently about her love for God, her husband, their goldendoodle, Hattie, and so many other relevant and wonderful things. So I wanted to incorporate those things into her family session.

What I also love about being a photographer is that any moment can be made magical–to stand still. We don’t have to celebrate the union of two loved ones just to justify having photos taken, or the celebration of life, birth, or coming of age–while those are all great times to have a photographer, sometimes an ordinary Sunday afternoon in mid-February is a good enough reason.

So, Victoria invited me over as I’d had the idea to come in and photograph Zach and she just doing what they do normally. Whether that be cuddling on the couch, playing with their dog, or sharing a moment (or an old fashioned – thank you, Zach!) sometimes a lazy Sunday is reason enough.

While Victoria has many facets of which she shares frequently, Zach is a little more reserved. I understand the reservation because I am married to someone who is naturally more reserved and quiet. She thinks before she speaks while I say what is on my mind more freely–Zach is someone who lets his wife and her personality shine. But that’s not to say that he should take a backseat in this story since he is in fact a very talented musician and travels in and out of state to share his musical talents with his band In the AM. Zach is also a plumber locally with a family owned business and also enjoys making delicious cocktails and enjoying good bourbon.

Our session began in their their home that they’ve lived in for the past few years cozily in their kitchen where Zach prepared the most delicious old fashioneds with some super gourmet cherries and homemade bitters. From there they showed me what a normal day would look like foor them if they weren’t working on their business, music, or enjoying their 48th time of The Office on Netflix.

Zach and Victoria, thank you both so much for allowing me to come in and curate a cozy Sunday with you both. Thanks for the laughs, the drinks, and may the rest of your lives be as wonderful as this first decade has been.

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New Adventure Productions is owned by Nate Dale, a Lafayette, Indiana wedding and elopement photographer. We travel nation and worldwide to capture beautiful and intimate weddings and elopements while providing a guidance, love, help along the way. 
He is married to the love of his life, Felicia with their two doggies, Pika and Princess. 
