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It’s my favorite person’s birthday! Happy Birthday, Felicia!

Today is my wife’s birthday!

Happy birthday, Felicia!

Here are 10 fun facts about Felicia since it’s her birthday.

1. Her favorite color is green. It also happens to be the color of her eyes–but not everyday since they tend to change in the light and sometimes with her mood. They can be seafoam, blue, dark grey, and green.

2. She was a flight attendant for 4 years prior to meeting me. She said that it was fun but that it’s a lifestyle that you really can’t ever maintain relationships with and so she was happy to part ways with it.

3. She loves cake. LOVES it. Like–I don’t love cake, right (except from Little Miss Cupcakes because she literally makes the best cake ever–look at the one she made for Felicia this year!) So at our wedding, our wonderful friend, Joyce, as our wedding gift made the most delicious cake for us and even made the top layer lemon for our first anniversary. I like to treat her to random and sporadic trips to Nothing Bundt Cakes in West Lafayette as well as they have some amazing tasty treats.

4. She does not love technology. When I met her she was using a dated Android phone (I scoffed and bought her an iPhone) and doesn’t particularly care about it (so I bought her a houseful of Amazon Alexa Devices for Christmas last year).

5. She is fire and passion and has such a drive. I’ve never met someone who works so hard, who gives so much, and who cares so deeply. There are many times when she seems frustrated and it’s all from her care and love that she puts into her personal and professional life. She expects 110% because she gives even more.

6. She loves talking on the phone with her mom. No matter the situation or the time, Felicia enjoys spending quality time being with her parents and chastising them for not running the air conditioning in the summer enough.

7. Speaking of quality time–her main love languages are Quality Time and Gifts. The latter was difficult for me to comprehend because when I met her I was very much quality time and acts of service (I still am) but as I grew to understand her love language, I grew to love it and in turn, love her more deeply. Now, I love creating thoughtful gifts and having surprises waiting for her.

8. She has no idea what we’re doing next month for her birthday! It’s a secret and she’ll find out when it happens! ❤

9. She really loves shoes and nice clothes but she is not someone who I would consider materialistic. Felicia shows a lot of restraint and humility when it comes to purchasing new clothes. One of my favorite things to do for her is to purchase her clothes that she wants or would want–and sometimes didn’t know she would want. One of my favorite purchases was a beautiful gown I purchased from Saks Fifth Avenue for her for my buddy’s wedding in 2013. She looked like a movie star in her golden gown that we had perfectly altered for her height.

10. She’s my favorite person in the entire world. I’ve shared it before and will again and again. I never thought I’d be so lucky as to find someone who could put up with me–let alone love me as unconditionally as she does. She’s patient, loving, supportive, thoughtful, funny, and passionate–and it’s all for me. I never thought I’d deserve such a love as her’s and I am glad to have it. Here’s a secret–sometimes when I hold her close at night I think of how terrible my life would be without her and I take those moments to be even more present and loving–knowing that one day one of us won’t be present for the other one since life is finite. That’s why I try to appreciate and love her every day. I hug her and tell her how much she means to me and even though work keeps us busy and life sometimes makes it hard to be in the now–I always think to when we won’t both be here and it makes me appreciate what we have right now.

So now that I’ve had a good cry, I’ll share some of the recent photos I took of her from her birthday dinner at Lighthouse Restaurant with some of our besties and a few more of my favorites throughout the years.

I love you, Felicia. Happiest Birthday!

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New Adventure Productions is owned by Nate Dale, a Lafayette, Indiana wedding and elopement photographer. We travel nation and worldwide to capture beautiful and intimate weddings and elopements while providing a guidance, love, help along the way. 
He is married to the love of his life, Felicia with their two doggies, Pika and Princess.